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Wink Love Locked: Description
Posted by: LongDongSilver - 01-28-2022, 11:00 PM - Forum: Featured - Replies (3)

Bluewood Academy is a sports oriented school for those willing to pursue a career in a sport they are skilled at and passionate in. Out of 20,000 applications, only 200 are accepted per year because 92.4% of students graduate with grades that could throw them into a professional sports team or their dream job for the rest of their lives, as long as they follow the rules of course.

An example of someone NOT following the rules is Harry Jones, the captain of the Rugby team, some question on whether he's actually passionate about rugby or he uses it as an excuse to take his anger out on others, but he has also acquired a dedicated community of girls willing to do anything to get his attention.

An example of a perfect model student is Aya Clemento, captain of the Swimming team, student council member and volunteering to help the cleaners after-school...? There's almost nothing she can't do, but can she fall in love?

Meeting at after-school detention ends up completely changing their lives forever in a storage room of all places…


Exclamation Love Locked pt9: Rink rage
Posted by: LongDongSilver - 01-28-2022, 10:49 PM - Forum: Romance - No Replies

I have so many questions but these are all wiped out with an anger I can't contain, but so much is stopping me from letting it out. Okay okay, I'm probably just judging a book by its cover, a little nosing around in their conversation should be fine. I quickly skated past them a few times, fitting the puzzle pieces together on the topic of discussion, it went like this:

"Soooo, Aya, I kinda need some help on something."
"Oh hey James, what's up?"
"For the club, I could do with some new and more professional hockey sticks rather than what the school supplies…"
"Ahh sorry James, but we've already extended your equipment costs more than any other club, if we give anymore other clubs will ask too."
"C'mon Aya, just one more time, I need this."
"Well… Uh…I can't really..."

So James is just being his usual arrogant self and Aya's single, I mean… not that I care about that, it's just good to know. The conversation continues and James enjoys a few too many beers, the school allowed students to drink or else nobody would show up, problem solved right? Turns out, James turns into even more of an asshole when drunk, and starts to flirt or in my opinion beg her to get his own way.

"Ayaaa~~ *hic* c'moooon~~~ I can give you aaaanything you want~~~~" He slivered a hand around her hip and even leaned in to kiss her, but before I was about to beat James senseless Liv stepped in, or well, skated in. "Ahem, Aya? What the hell do you think you're doing with my ex?!" Oh, did I forget to mention that James is Liv's ex? Yeah, unsurprising I know, but this involves Aya, and she doesn't deserve this.

“We're not doing anything, just talking! Right James…?” Aya looked at James expectantly as James with a shit-eating grin replied, “Well, I was just asking Aya about getting some new equipment and she said that she would order some if I was her date to the disco sooo…” Aya looked back at James with a crooked smile and chuckled awkwardly at his obvious lie. Liv clearly was not very happy and with her friends saying lines like “Oh no she didn't!” were definitely not helping. Aya looked nervous and in the middle of it all as everyone in the rink stared in disbelief, not joy as people usually felt with Aya, I was filled with pure rage.

I slowly skated up to James as I rolled up my sleeve and said, “Instead of new sports equipment, how about a punch in the face?” The last thing James saw before he flung across the rink was my fist, and maybe his life flashing before his eyes. That definitely helped release some anger. I rolled my eyes to the "Oh my Gods!" across the rink and maybe even some chants of "Fight, fight, fight!" maybe a fight wouldn't be so bad, I mean, no teachers are around at the moment.

"W-what the hell man!" James shouted as he got off the floor, in a drunken rage he quickly skated towards me as he raised his fists. Unfortunately, he had made the mistake of fighting a rugby player, I pray for a short yet painful recovery. I dodged his punch and grabbed him by his shoulders as I dramatically leaned my head back before smashing my head straight into his as I heard the crowd around us gasp at my usual fighting techniques, well not really techniques it's just me using my brute strength to my advantage.

But I'm getting a bit too carried away with this, I'll let him off this time. I let go of his shoulders and James stumbled back before falling to the ground unconscious with a stream of blood flowing out of his nose, it's probably for the best that he doesn't remember what happened here. Aya doesn't look all too scared of my ability to put James to sleep, but maybe that's what she wanted...

(Art of Liv and James that I did in ms paint 😳😳)
[i][Image: fM3jZm40KNN5wiiWT9nIE3lWhcUR54snnFcMrkEg...JJo9YIZ8Vr]

Wink Love Locked pt8: Aya has a date?
Posted by: LongDongSilver - 01-28-2022, 10:44 PM - Forum: Romance - No Replies

It was the day of the disco and classes were passing by way too quickly for my liking. Why do I have English last period today of all days? All I do is stare at Aya for an hour… Aya was completely focused on the lesson as usual but she had a look, one which said that she was excited or expecting something. You know, that look a kid has after waking up extra early on Christmas Day and is anticipating the right time to slide down the stairs to open their presents, she seems impatient.

Has she actually got a date? Has she done anything more with anyone other than me since that detention or even before? I want to know already, and I don't even know why.

I could stare at Aya until the end of time and have the most boner creating fantasies about her but I shouldn't, it would break her heart if I made her mine, I know that. It's how all my relationships go and I don't want it to happen with what I have with Aya right now, being friends is enough, it is enough.

Class ended and everyone rushed for form or those going to the disco got changed in the changing rooms. Ethan and Daniel didn't want to go because "Discos are for losers!" but actually Ethan just got the new Call of Duty game, of course I would've been there too if it wasn't for Liv.

I sighed and walked out of the changing rooms fully dressed and met with Liv, "What’s your shoe size?" She asked. "Twelve." I replied. "Wowww~ I'm a size five haha~" I really couldn't care less Liv, how many girls have you made jealous just by saying that number?

We walked to the counter for our roller skates and made our way to the disco, and oh god it was bad. At least two thirds of the rink was filled with couples making out or getting way too comfortable, it's not that hard to see you secretly 'cop a feel' guys. Then there's about half a dozen girls doing laps around the rink whilst chatting about the usual gossip. What a great way to celebrate our two month anniversary for the start of an unavoidably short relationship.

Liv waved to the group of girls and they all turned and waved back as they screamed their heads off at her dress, at the same time I spotted at least ten guys turn around to look her up and down. If we weren't dating the girls would be doing more than just undressing me with their eyes, but they hold themselves back due to Liv's power to remove any of them from their little circle of popular girls.

Seems like Liv is getting exactly what she wanted. "I'm gonna go talk to my friends for a bit Harry, let's meet back when the dance starts~" she skated off to be the centre of attention, I was already exhausted by just being there. As I wandered off to the corner I spotted someone else enter the rink wearing an outfit I recognised, a blue floral patterned button up with dark blue flare jeans and silver hoop earrings.

She looks beautiful. Fuck! Snap out of it, this is your supposed anniversary party with a girl you don't even like. But maybe I should say hello… My thoughts were soon interrupted with a fiery rage as a guy had just skated up at Aya's side, with a hand on her shoulder. James McDickhead, I mean McAllister, sports captain of the Hockey team, and apparently Aya's date.

Tongue Love Locked pt7: Open curtain
Posted by: LongDongSilver - 01-28-2022, 10:42 PM - Forum: Romance - No Replies

There I was, in some overpriced tacky vintage clothing store with Liv to buy some clothes for tomorrow. Everytime she pulled out a shirt for me to wear I wanted to rip it into tiny expensive little shreds. I just wanna get this over with. "Ooo~ How about this one~?" She pulled out a bright pink dress that revealed pretty much everything you wouldn't want showing. I mean does she want me or every other guy at the skating rink? Maybe I'm just bad with fashion.

"I wanna try it on!" She grabbed my hand and ran over to the changing rooms. "Do you wanna come in~?" She asked.
"I'll pass." I held back my disgusted expression.
"Oh so modest~" She closed the curtain to get changed. As I waited outside for Liv to finish I spotted in the corner of my eye the neighbouring changing room curtain wasn't fully closed, and someone was in it. It was Aya.

I immediately blushed at seeing her half naked in the room and quickly looked away, should I close it? I mean what if she notices me and freaks out? Ugh, the thought of someone else seeing her like this though… I'll take my chances. I quickly closed the rest of the curtain and prayed that she didn't notice, as usual she was completely oblivious and was looking at herself in the mirror. Her outfit looked cute.

Liv however, finished putting on the dress as I was lost in thought and opened the curtain. "What do you think? Pretty sexy huh~?" She didn't even look at my face for a reaction, she just stared at herself in the mirror confidently. "You look great Liv, I'll pay so let's just go." I quickly grabbed her clothes and ran to the till to pay and leave as soon as possible so Aya didn't see me with Liv. "Hey I'm still wearing it!" She replied as I ran out the door, that was the least of my concern.

Photo Love Locked pt6: Romeo and Juliet
Posted by: LongDongSilver - 01-28-2022, 10:40 PM - Forum: Romance - No Replies

I walked out of class and to my friends at lunch to finally sit down, completely drained of all energy in my body. Well, my mental energy was drained at least.

"Wooow~ Looks like someone enjoyed learning about Romeo and Juliet~" Daniel teased, Dan is the biggest joker you'll ever meet, and my teammate in rugby, he somehow manages to get asked out by a girl at least once a week. "Not now Dan, let me die in peace." I felt like I was going to crumble into a pile of ash.

"What was it? To be or not to be…?" He held an imaginary skull in the air. "That's Hamlet you dumbass," Ethan added, "He’s probably like that cause of Aya anyway~"
"Aya Clemento? The goodie-two-shoes girl?"
"Truuuust me, she clearly has some kind of magic power to make Harry's heart flutter just at the sight of her." Ethan laughed.

"Ethan, shut up." I grunted, annoyed at how fast my secret started to spread.
"Yoooo… Seriously? Whatever happened to Liv?"
"Still going out, somehow. Also nothing is happening between me and Aya so don't get any funny ideas."
"Too late~" Daniel grinned mischievously as I punched his shoulder whilst he was laughing. They continued teasing me until I had a feeling of déjà vu from the echoed sounds of someone calling my name… again…

“Haaaaaarryyyy!!!” she yelled out loudly on purpose so the whole school could hear her. “Harry, oh Harry, come here~~” Ethan and Daniel said mockingly under their breath.
“Yes Liv?” I silently told them to shut up as Liv approached our table. “I can't believe you didn't let me finish my sentence! That's a rude thing to do to your girlfriend yanno?” She pouted. “Sorry Liv I was gonna get late for class.” I replied, I'm already annoyed by the sound of her voice.

“Well you know it's our two month anniversary tomorrow, so I thought you could be my date for the roller skating disco thing tomorrow after school~" She checked her hair in the reflection of the window. Shit… I have no choice, how was I supposed to know girls care so much about anniversaries? I guess none of my past relationships had ever gone that far…

"Yeah, sure Liv." I replied, acting disinterested.
"Great! Let's link arms as we walk around the school~"
I tried not to scrunch up my face as if I ate a really sour lemon at the idea of everyone seeing us together. I looked over to Ethan and Dan as they whispered something that would probably piss me off so I agreed to Liv's request and we walked off together.

[Image: c652TyuRxkeG_jyxq2-esqlNs3QtqZULtDFX73lX...jW-VBJbS_T]
(What the-- Hunnain drew kissing with TONGUE???!!!??!? What is happening to the world, I'm really horny now 😩😳😭😱🥵😈😫🤤😍💦💦)

Brick Love Locked pt5: Forgotten English homework
Posted by: LongDongSilver - 01-28-2022, 10:38 PM - Forum: Romance - No Replies

"Why did she kiss me?" I thought to myself. I stared into the space of my open locker as I traced a finger around my lips, trying to remember the sensation of Aya's kiss, but I was suddenly interrupted by someone calling out my name.

"Harryyy~~~" called out a girl with bright blonde hair in pigtails, green eyes and skin caked in foundation, she made a clunking noise every time she walked because of her massive chunky earrings practically weighing her down. She looked like a walking talking uniform detention because of her short skirt, who could this be?
Oh, it's my girlfriend I forgot I had, obviously she's not the first. I've dated many of these 'fangirls' of mine just to keep a list of all the girls I'm never gonna date again. She's the longest relationship I've had so far, that being almost two months now, but she's the 15th girlfriend that I'm going to have the displeasure of dumping sooner or later.

Usually they cry and start the five stages of grief before I can even get a word out, "What...? Are you seriously dumping me?!" they'd say, mascara running down their face in a slur of words and emotions. Would I have to do that with Aya?

“Harry! Are you even listening?”
“Uh yeah I've got English next so let's talk later Liv-"
"Harry!--" She shouted as I ran past her down the hall.
I need to stop thinking like this… I do NOT love her.

I walked into English and forgot two things: my homework and the fact that I sit next to Aya in this class. "Fuck." I grumbled to myself as I took my seat. Aya smiled at me as if she had won the lottery, I just looked embarrassed as I had to say the god forsaken line. "Yo Aya, I kinda forgot my homework at home, can I quickly copy yours?"

I cringed at myself, I'm fine with getting detention, it's just that I've already extended the one I have this week to an hour long after school. Also knowing what happened the last time I had an after-school detention I'm not too keen on the same thing happening again…

"Oh Harry, I'll let you copy it this time since it was just a couple of multiple choice questions, just don't let this happen again okay?" She used her pen to boop the tip of my nose as she winked at me, hopefully joking this time. I feel like kissing her.  What the hell am I thinking about right now? She is seriously too cute for her own good.

"Thanks." I replied as I held back the urge to continue what we started yesterday. My thoughts overwhelmed me until class ended and I had barely gotten through it alive.

"The school is planning a disco themed roller skating rink tomorrow after-school, are you thinking of going?" asked Aya.
"I haven't decided yet." If I go, will she be there? Better play it safe and not go, but what if she's got a date for it or something? I'm thinking way too much about this…

  Love Locked pt4: Lost and found (NSFW WARNING)
Posted by: LongDongSilver - 01-28-2022, 10:31 PM - Forum: Romance - Replies (2)

She was trying to lift the now organised lost and found box onto the top shelf, I could have just asked to do it for her but I was so curious with her determined nature I wanted to see what would happen. "Almost there," Aya huffed, tip-toeing to the top shelf, "Ah wait actually, Harry could you just help me- w-w-woah---!" Aya wobbled on the stool she used to get up and slipped, my arms catched her fall but I fell backwards due to the sudden weight.

"Ah! Sorry Harry, I accidentally fell off the stool but are you hurt anywhere?" I was more worried for her, she landed right on my chest whilst slowly sliding down to look at my face. It didn't hurt due to me being used to that pain when playing rugby, instead I was only getting more and more aroused. She's so close, I watched her eyes search my body for any injuries, but my 'member' was getting harder by the second, and her sliding over it wasn't helping at all.

She would probably freak out and run away screaming whilst calling me a creep or pervert, that's if she actually found out I had an erection, but she was still completely oblivious to it. "I didn't get hurt so you can just-"
"Uh, Aya?"
"I think I might have sat on your phone in your pocket or something-" Aya blushed, she was now looking at it.

"Ugh sorry, I'm not a creep or anything I swear." I retrieve the excuses I planned in my head if she actually did find out.
"Oh no of course not, I would never think of you in that way, it's only natural but... I might be the creep here for wanting to help." I raised an eyebrow, silently asking for more details.

I didn't expect to receive a hand job from Aya in an after-school detention, actually I didn't expect to receive a hand job from Aya full stop.

(This art is self explanatory 😏😩😳🥵)
[Image: iFTjbDCZRwYY1nDHicNDXvqRXPpPgxWv1zaSCr57...KoVZBLRLFJ]

(smut time 🤤🤤)

She started by rubbing my crotch, directing her attention to the tent in my pants and then unzipped my trousers and lowered my boxer briefs to take a look at what she was dealing with. I could see her eyes go wide and hear a gulp come from her throat, that was all the answer I needed.

She still continued as she raised her hand and gently trailed her fingertips up and down my shaft, I flinched at her touch and precum dripped out of the tip of my dick, she used it as a sort of lube and slowly traced the fluid around the head of my cock with her fingertip teasingly.

I groaned at the pleasure as she worked her hand up and down my shaft, keeping her pinky finger out to occasionally pleasure my balls and her thumb for the head, she then used her other hand to focus more on the head of my dick, rubbing more precum in circles in a continuous motion.

I'm not the only one who's aroused though, I look up to see bright red cheeks on Aya's face clearly not expecting to be in this situation either. She definitely has good technique, I'll give her that, but it's pretty clear that it's her first time doing this on another person.

I'm getting close. I started grunting more and more into the pleasure but suddenly I felt my tie being grabbed, pulling me forwards, and feeling soft lips touch mine for a brief moment as I came. As I snapped back to reality to what just happened I looked up at Aya, for the first time ever I saw Aya in a complete state of flustered emotions. She kinda had a 'what did I just do' face, I'm more interested in why.

She jumped up from the floor, quickly apologised and ran out the room. I sighed as I covered my face with my hands, but cleaned up myself and the mess of the lost and found before leaving the room.

[Image: CcubQaj0ypoz117EP4pQrH38ajawQU1tlBLVoc4a...YAr2-hlePQ]
(sketch of the kiss scene bcs I was too lazy to finish it 😩😩)

Bug Love Locked pt3: Afterschool detention
Posted by: LongDongSilver - 01-28-2022, 10:27 PM - Forum: Romance - No Replies

"This isn't good enough Harry; this is the third time this week you've been reported fighting another student." Another lecture from the deputy head, looks like it's gonna be an after-school detention…

"You will be spending your after-school detention with a classmate of yours who volunteered to help clean up sports equipment, she's in the sports block right now where the swimming pool is, fetch her from there and then come back to help so you can put those thirty minutes to good use."
"Yes Sir," I replied. "What's her name by the way?"
"Aya Clemento."

I practically sprinted down the hall, surely he's wrong, surely it's someone other than her. Well, I was the one who was actually wrong. There she was, Aya, looking at the swimming pools' mesmerising waters. She seemed as if she was holding back the urge to jump in, even with her school uniform on.

"Aya?" She jumped a little as I called out her name, "The deputy head said that I need to help you clean up sports equipment."
"That's right, it's good to see you Harry! I'm glad you're the one I'm cleaning with," she winked jokingly, well at least I think she was. "Let's go then shall we?" I followed her out of the room.

We walked into the sports equipment room and to put it lightly it was an absolute mess: the lost and found box was a lost and found pile of clothes, coloured sports team vests were chucked into a rainbow mess of sweat, unorganised balls and rackets for different sports scattered around the room.

Even for my standards it was pretty messy, what intrigued me was what Aya's reaction to this might be, such a perfect and organised student would go mad at the sight of this warzone.
I sneaked a glance at her face only to see her completely unfazed by it, she had a bigger smile actually, like she was actually looking forward to cleaning it all up. I could see the cogs turning in her mind working out what to do first.

"Harry, you organise the rackets and balls to the correct piles, and do the same with the sports vests so I can put them in the wash and I'll organise the lost and found." She turned to me and spoke so quickly yet clearly that as soon as she left to clean I knew exactly what to do. She then started a conversation whilst we were cleaning up.

"So Harry, got any favourite sweets?"
"Huh? Yeah sure I like chocolate I guess."
"Oh me too! I like Snickers, what about you?"
"Hm I'd have to say KitKat's, they taste pretty good."
"Cool! You can never trust me with a box of chocolates, I'd finish them off in a second haha." Aya smiled, so even perfect people like her have their own unhealthy obsessions and don't stuff their mouth with healthy crap all the time.

"Really? That's kinda cute~" I said without thinking.
"A-ah well I can't eat too much you know, my parents say I need to cut back on it since I'm overweight, they say my weight will only slow me down in swimming."
"I don't think you're too unhealthy, at least have the occasional treats, I couldn't live with a no sweets diet."
"Yeah, maybe you're right." Aya grinned more confidently.

"May I ask why you were in an after-school detention?"
"Yeah, just some stupid fight that got pinned on me."
"Damn, you don't look like the type of person to start these fights Harry, from what I've seen anyway."
"Haha yeah, tell that to the people who started it, you might just change their mind on fighting me, seeing as they lose every single time." I smirked jokingly.

  What's this channel?
Posted by: SetAsync - 01-28-2022, 09:25 PM - Forum: Series - No Replies


You may use this channel to write "pages" for your stories, for example; you could use this channel to have a bunch of links for your series.
You can also just use this channel as a general website for your stories, a hub.

Smile Love Locked pt2: Seriously?! Blushing?!
Posted by: LongDongSilver - 01-27-2022, 11:59 PM - Forum: Romance - No Replies

[Image: k112-VfWxUko7GpV71wqSzNjU6w-42p8QdPsOyEa...ra0lma7M-q]
(Art I forgot to add but here's Ethan and Harry 🥵🥵)

It was the next day, I was sitting outside the tennis courts drinking a carton of chocolate milk. "Seriously?! Blushing?! All red n' that?! I can't believe I didn't notice when I was there..." That was Ethan, the sports captain of the football team and a close friend of mine, I asked to discuss private matters about what occurred in the 'first ever sports captains meeting' with him. "Why are you so surprised? Maybe she was just sick or something I dunno…" I grit my teeth, trying to think of a reason that actually made sense.

"Nah dude, she's totally into you," he sighed deeply yet it felt somewhat exaggerated, "I guess you'll just add her to the pile of girls that love you huh?" what an ass.

"Don't even bother trying to snatch her away." I said in a serious tone, it confused him, and also me. Yet he smirked knowing something more by my reaction, "I see, this might be interesting Mr Dark-and-mysterious~" I frowned at the dumb nickname, "But I never expected Aya to be the blushy type…" Ethan hummed and stroked his imaginary beard thinking, he smiled and playfully nudged my shoulder, “Since it's your first time actually liking a girl back, you better treat her right.”

Right, wait… treat her right? Ugh, I'm not actually ‘in love’ with her am I?

I looked back at him, "Yeah right, I'm not actually 'in love' with her." Ethan's romantic, of course he'd say something lovey dovey like that, she's the one falling for me anyway.

"Sure~ Sure~ See where that'll get you, can't stay stubborn like that forever Harry~~" Ethan called out as I stood up and met back up with the rest of my friends, not wanting to hear his constant teasing, he can be a pretty serious guy sometimes but only when he needs to be, I guess that's just not right now. Yet a part of me thinks he's right, somehow.

[Image: laROeSkQndOnBkQxXmAnslhgdZBsR7EIqETua-cb...lZyG9ZSgKN]
(Ethan best boy 😩🤤💖💗💓💘💞💝💕)